Dos tiendas de souvenirs y Regalos en Ronda
C/ Virgen de la Paz 13
Telf.: 952 87 21 87
29.400 Ronda (Málaga)
Ronda, situada a 750 m, entre montañas y próxima a la Costa del Sol, todo hace de Ronda un lugar único; su emplazamiento sobre el famoso tajo, sus orígenes de la fundación de la ciudad nos remontan a los Celtas. Luego, otros pueblos, fenicios, cartagineses y romanos se suceden en el afán de dominarla. Pero son los musulmanes los que hacen de ella una importante ciudad. Todos, han dejado en ella una magnífica huella de su pasado. Cuna de célebres bandoleros, toreros, escritores, políticos y artistas. Ronda ha servido numerosas veces de inspiración a la literatura y al cine. Declarada Monumento Histórico Artístico desde 1931. En las frías montañas pertenecientes a su Parque Natural Sierra de las Nieves (declarado Reserva de la Biosfera, en 1955), se encuentran los muy famosos y raros Pinsapos.
Nos encontramos entre dos de los monumentos más emblemáticos de la ciudad, la Plaza de Toros y el Puente Nuevo.
Todas Fabricadas, como objetos de adorno de metales comunes con un carácter estrictamente decorativo y no son susceptibles de usarse como armas.
El Abanico tiene cinco siglos y ya en el siglo XV era poco más o menos como los conocemos hoy. El proceso de elaboración del abanico, aunque se han introducido a lo largo de su historia algunas innovaciones mecánicas, continua siendo básicamente una fabricación manual, las manos de nuestros artesanos, son las principales herramientas de trabajo.
Esta artesanía, que ha pasado de padres a hijos a través de generaciones durante al menos cinco siglos. Consiste en crear bellísimas y delicadas combinaciones de tonos; embutiendo en la madera; incrustaciones en madera, concha, nácar, marfil, oro y plata, forman una combinación de colores a modo de mosaicos.
La Cuerda Seca, es una tradición de la Andalucía hispano-árabe, cuya temática ornamental es fundamentalmente Mudéjar de mediados del S.XV.
C/ Virgen de la Paz 11
Telf.: 952 87 21 87
29.400 Ronda (Málaga)
Our Products
Cairel is located in the historical town of Ronda, it was opened in 1.963 and after 45 years service, we think we have a very competitive and commercial collection of items for our clients and we are convinced you can get what you want, as a present or handicsaft memory.
Ronda, situated at 750 metres, surrounded by mountains and near to the "Costa del Sol", is a unique place. It´s site over the famous gorge the origins of the town date back to the Celts. Then, other peoples, Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Romans follow urging to bring it under control. But it´s the muslims who make of it an important town. All of them however left on it the magnificent trace of its past. Cradre of remarkable bandits, bull-fighters, writers, politicians and artists. Ronda has often been the inspiration to literature and the cinema industry. Declosed Historic-Artitic Monnment since 1.931. In the cold mountains belonging to the Natural Park Sierra de las Nieves (declared Reserve of the Biosphere, in 1.955) you can find the famous and rare Pinsapos.
We are between two of the most emblematic monuments in town, the Bull Ring and the New Bridge.
Arms and Damescene
As Arms we have avilable our collection of old firearms, with simulated shooting mechanisms, steel blade imitations in a numbre of range: Europeans, Arabs and Orientals.
They are all manufactured to serve as decoration objects and is any way they are capable to he used as proper arms.
Damascene is the application of gold and silver on steel or iron, making decorative pictures. We can date back this Art to Egiptian, Greek and Romans. Around the fifteenth century it had a period of prosperity in Europe and novadays they have a great reputation all over the world the woerks of this Art whole which are bring made in Toledo (Spain). The maufacturing process is craft.
Fans and Marquetries
The fan is five centuries old and in the fifteenth century it was very similar as it is known today. Althought it has suffered some mechanical innovations through history, the fan working process is basically handicraft, being our craftmen´s hands the main working tools.
This craftmanship has passed from parents to sons for at least five hundred years. It consist of veating beautiful and delicate combinations of tones by inlaying in teh wood, shells, nacre, ivory, gold and silver, forming a mixture of colours as in a Mosaic.
The Fan
Ceramics and “Cuerda Seca” The "Cuerda Seca" is a tradition of the Spanish-Arabe Andalusia, whose ornamental thematic is mainly Mudejar from the mid fifteenth century
Our ceramic, worked in the purest tradition with a very particular colour intonation we highlight the difference of shape among the pieces, these differences, in fact, grove and enhances the handicrafted process of our goods.
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